why is donating plasma bad

Donating plasma is a popular way to make extra money, but it is not without its risks. Plasma is the fluid part of our blood and contains essential proteins and antibodies. When donated, plasma is used to make a variety of treatments including immunoglobulins and clotting factors. While donating plasma may seem like a safe and beneficial way to make some money, there are some potential risks that you should consider before donating.

The first risk associated with donating plasma is dehydration. When donating plasma, a large amount of fluid is removed from your body. This can cause a number of unpleasant side effects such as dizziness, headache, and lightheadedness. It is important to stay hydrated before and after donating to avoid these risks.

Another potential risk of donating plasma is iron deficiency. Iron helps transport oxygen throughout the body and is necessary for optimal health. When donating plasma, the body loses a significant amount of iron, which can lead to anemia. If you are considering donating plasma, it is important to make sure that you get adequate amounts of iron through your diet or through supplements.

Finally, donating plasma can also put you at risk of contracting a blood-borne illness. While the risk of this is very low, it is still important to be aware of it. All plasma centers are required to follow strict safety protocols to reduce the risk of contamination, but there is still a chance of infection.


Q: Is donating plasma safe?

A: Donating plasma is generally considered safe, however there are some potential risks associated with it. These include dehydration, iron deficiency, and increased risk of infection. To minimize these risks, it is important to stay hydrated before and after donating and to get adequate amounts of iron in your diet.

Q: How much money can I make by donating plasma?

A: The amount of money you can make by donating plasma varies depending on where you donate. Generally, you can expect to make anywhere from $20 to $50 per donation.

Q: How often can I donate plasma?

A: The rules and regulations for donating plasma vary by state. Generally, you can donate plasma up to twice a week with a two-day waiting period between donations.

Q: What are the health benefits of donating plasma?

A: Donating plasma can help save lives as the plasma is used to make treatments that can help people with serious conditions. Additionally, donating plasma can help you make some extra money.


Donating plasma can be a great way to make some extra money, but there are some potential risks associated with it. These include dehydration, iron deficiency, and increased risk of infection. It is important to be aware of these risks and to take precautions to minimize them. If you are considering donating plasma, make sure to consult your doctor first to make sure that it is safe for you to do so.


1. https://www.verywellhealth.com/risks-of-plasma-donation-4581560
2. https://www.biomatusa.com/donating-plasma-faq