can plasma centers see if you donated somewhere else

Can Plasma Centers See If You Donated Somewhere Else?

Plasma is the liquid component of blood and is used to make a variety of life-saving treatments and therapies. As such, many people are interested in donating plasma in order to help those in need. But what if you have already donated plasma elsewhere? Can the new plasma center you visit see if you have donated before?

The answer is yes, plasma centers can see if you have donated somewhere else before. All plasma donation centers are required to track donations and keep detailed records of each donor. This means that when you arrive at a new center, the staff will be able to see your donation history and any relevant information about you.

However, it is important to note that the information that a plasma center has access to is limited. They will be able to see if you have donated before and when, but they will not be able to access any of your personal information. This includes your name, address, or any other identifying information.

In addition to being able to see your donation history, plasma centers also have access to a national database of donors. This database is maintained and updated by the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB). This database includes information about each donor’s health history, including any medical conditions that could potentially affect their ability to donate.


Q: Can plasma centers see if I have donated somewhere else?

A: Yes, plasma centers can see if you have donated somewhere else before. All plasma centers are required to track donations and keep detailed records of each donor.

Q: What information do plasma centers have access to?

A: Plasma centers have access to a national database of donors that is maintained and updated by the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB). This database includes information about each donor’s health history, including any medical conditions that could potentially affect their ability to donate. However, they will not have access to any of your personal information.

Q: What happens if I’ve donated somewhere else in the past?

A: If you have donated somewhere else in the past, the new plasma center you visit will be able to see this information. However, they will not be able to access any of your personal information.


American Association of Blood Banks:

Donating Plasma: